31 Korai str, Moschato
Quality Control Equipment & Services

HomeCategoryHeight Gauges

Height gauges are single-axis handtools made to measure on a surface plate, preferably on granity.

TESA offers the largest range of height gauges for reliable one or two dimensional measuremetns. End users can choose the most suitable model not only according to the requirements of their metrology applications, but also according to their financial resources.

This wide range goes from the simple height and scribing gauge to the motorised vertical column suitable for high precision measurements in two coordinate directions.

Height gauges are single-axis handtools made to measure on a surface plate, preferably on granity.
TESA offers the largest range of height gauges for reliable one or two dimensional measuremetns. End users can choose the most suitable model not only according to the requirements of their metrology applications, but also according to their financial resources.
This wide range goes from the simple height and scribing gauge to the motorised vertical column suitable for high precision measurements in two coordinate directions.

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